Joseph 'JJ' Samus, Jr, PE, PTOE

Senior Vice President, Transportation

Mr. Samus is a senior engineer, planner, and project manager specializing in transportation planning and traffic engineering for federal, state, and municipal clients. A published traffic professional, JJ has provided detailed traffic development and operational analysis in urban and regional planning, project management, and a variety of production tasks, including application and development of travel demand models (TDM) and reports; corridor operational analysis; traffic development and forecasting; multi-resolution modeling (MRM) application; performing Interchange Access Requests (IMRs, IJRs, IOARs); developing a wide range of studies including Project Development and Environment (PD&E), planning, traffic, managed lanes, and detailed corridor simulations. Leading a diverse team, JJ has pioneered the application of ‘Big Data’ on urban and regional transportation planning efforts and has made it an integral part of his team’s multi-resolution approach and process to project analysis.