Construction, Engineering & Inspection (CE&I) services help to ensure that projects are completed according to contract specifications, not only those treating the specific details and quality of construction work, but with those defining its timeliness and cost.  Such services help to promote and maintain the quality of project work and the integrity and economy of project expenditures.  On the client’s behalf, our certified inspection personnel monitor the quality and quantities in construction activities, review schedules of value and their application, document the project work performed, monitor and evaluate site conditions, review payment requisitions, monitor construction schedules and work to ensure that the project progresses in accordance with them, and protect the safety of the general public and all those who work on the project.  GM2 construction Inspectors hold, collectively, a combination of NICET, NETTCP, OSHA, ACI and ATSSA certifications; various industry-specific certifications as, for instance, Certified Professional in Erosion and Soil Control (CPESC) and Certified Construction Manager (CCM); and Professional Engineering Licenses.

GM2 has provided construction services for both transportation and infrastructure projects.  Through our host of top professionals — including our resident engineers, construction survey crews, special inspectors, and peer reviewers — GM2 has the professional resources to oversee construction programs ranging from simple rehabilitations to the construction of complex public facilities.